My web development work combines front-end design and back-end development to tackle the many interesting projects that arise in a school, including school information systems, digital signage, communication portals, and wordpress sites.
Case Studies
I’m creating some case studies of my recent web development work. The list below is a work-in-progress.
A brief look at the history of the Gibbon project, and our recent work to refactor a legacy codebase.
A unique communications platform for staff members to keep informed, socialize, share resources, and search school documents; built on WordPress, P2 Theme (and it’s Apollo fork), jQuery, and integrating real-time data using Google APIs, RSS feeds, Twitter, Yahoo Weather and AQIcn.
Design Projects
Beyond code, I’m a font-geek with a eye for design and composition. My past projects include logo and graphic design, web design, print publications and 3D modelling.